Monday, May 26, 2014

A Wedding Gift

Handmade kitchen towels made from utility cloth and trimmed in assorted Moda coffee themed fabrics. Utility cloth looks like muslin only much thicker. I plan to make kitchen towels for myself, out of the same utility cloth, in the near future.
Plastic bag holder made from the same Moda coffee themed fabrics. This was made by using strips of fabric stitched onto a piece of muslin fabric. It's very durable and very functional.
 Years ago we bought a set of steak knives from Bed Bath and Beyond. They are the very best knives we have ever used; so I included a set as part of the wedding gift.
Handmade with love!

Monday, May 12, 2014

A Quick Party Gift

 Birthday invitations are always fun to receive but coming up with a gift can be challenging.
Since messenger bags are in style at the moment Elizabeth thought her friend would like one.
 The invitation had a peace sign design so I decided to applique one to the outside flap.
I even quilted the flap to add a little bit of texture.
 The lining fabric was chosen based on the colors of the invitation;
hot pink, lime green, blues, orange, yellow....
Elizabeth said the Birthday Girl was happy with her gift.