Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Baby Chicks

Last month we ordered 70 Buff Orpington hens and 5 Buff Orpington roosters. The estimated ship date was to be May 17th so first thing on Monday the 19th we began calling our local post office.

The chicks did not arrive until today, and boy were we all excited!
The chicks are so cute and very loud!
The kids jumped out of bed as soon as I arrived home from the post office. We all had to touch and hold the cute little fuzz balls.
They have been drinking a lot of water and eating food and Elizabeth pulled weeds for them to play with.
The last time we had chickens was several years ago and at that time the coyotes came once a day to feast on them for lunch. Hopefully we will be able to prevent that this time.

I love how chickens make a home feel so cozy and alive with life.


  1. They are so cute!! It's been years since I've had baby chicks.. I'm jealous.

  2. Oh how precious!! Now I feel guilty for eating chicken stew today!!!
