Sunday, November 16, 2008

Home Improvement Day ????

I have forgotten what day we are on with the closet but the progress is coming along at a nice steady pace.

The texture has been added to the walls.
The painting has begun; Elizabeth was able to help out.
Framing for the shelves is done.
Measuring, fitting, cutting and then more measuring has been done for the shelves.
And painting the shelves is still in progress.
Tomorrow we get to put in the floor before installing all the newly painted shelves!


  1. Wow! it really is coming along fast and nice looking too.
    You're sure going to enjoy having all those shelves.
    When Pat's done you can send him my way ;)

  2. Looking Goooood! Way to go Elizabeth, start them early, that was always my motto. While they still think it's fun.:c))


  3. Wow, I'm impressed. Tell Pat, GOOD JOB!!!

    PS) Keep complimenting Pat, as compliments make people want to do more work! (Hint) (Hint)

  4. Wow, when you loan Pat out to Posh and Trendy, can he come to my house while he's in MO? Our home renovation projects NEVER get done this fast! WTG gang!

  5. I can't wait to see what it looks like when it's finished!!
