Friday, May 28, 2010

Another Look in the Garden

I planted my green beans in between the potatoes soon after learning the mechanic wasn't going to get the tractor up and running as quickly as we needed.
The broccoli I planted is really growing; this is my second time trying to grow it. The chickens ate the plants last year before they got very big so we never even had a chance to eat any.
One of the turnips was big enough to pick but it didn't taste like I remembered growing up; it taste similar to a radish but I'm not sure if I will eat anymore.
I am still behind on all that I want to do in the garden but it's getting there; I hope to move my tomato plants outdoors this weekend and I still need to plant jalapeno and bell peppers.


  1. Wow! Look at your garden!

    I'm not a big turnip fan, either.

  2. your garden is looking real good.. try grading the turnip up, add a tiny bit of sugar and some lemon juice and mayo.. like making coleslaw.. that's the way we eat them.

  3. Patty we love those boiled with a little sugar in the water and then drained and butter melted on them.

  4. Nice blog. being a great lover of garden art, I enjoyed going through your blog. Keep on posting.

  5. I LOVE turnips. Eat them raw like apples. I'm surprised you're growing broccoli and turnips right now though. This is what I grow for my WINTER garden!
