Tuesday, July 20, 2010

It's Time...It's Time

The peaches are ready!
They are so sweet and juicy!
From the looks of the trees I will up to my elbows in wonderful peaches for at least a week! Yummy!!


  1. This looks a lot like my house! I told Helen that I have 50 pounds of peaches *trying* to ripen on my window sills right now ... she said you would understand my situation :-)

  2. Yum, Yum! I'm sorely tempted to buy some fresh peaches tomorrow at the store and make some peach cobbler with vanilla ice cream! We're whipping up homemade vegetable beef soup (Caitlin, Pam, and I) and cornbread for tomorrow's dinner. I think peach cobbler would be the perfect addition!

  3. ehemm if you need help eating them, just holer!! ;-)

  4. They're so beautiful, and I'm so hungry. lol

    We have another month before the so-so peaches are ripe and almost 6 or 7 weeks before the really good ones get ripe.

  5. They look so pretty.. yum!
