Thursday, February 3, 2011

When it Rains it pours, and pours, and pours

Winter has paid us a visit this week and left us with frozen busted pipes, backed up plumbing and an overflowing water heater; thankfully the water heater had a drain pipe that allowed the water to flood under the house instead of inside the house!And it's been so cold the eggs froze and cracked.
So, how are we dealing with all our troubles? We are improvising! A plastic cup and spoon works well for cereal....and paper plates for sandwiches.
We are using the dish pan to wash our hair; thankfully we were able to collect water from the water heater to use for drinking and washing.
Elizabeth loved having her hair washed in the dish pan and wants me to start washing her hair this way from now on!
Thankfully we still have heat and electricity but I am really longing for summer and it's warm sun!


  1. Elizabeth looks so cute.. and I love her undershirts.. its been so cold this winter I'm considering seeing if they make things like that for adults.

  2. dealing with the same over here, is been a different experience for sure!
