Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Mini Make Over
We have needed to replace our old worn out pull shades for quite some time. They work well for keeping out the afternoon sun/heat but I was tired of dealing with the brittle faded fabric/plastic and wanted a better solution.
My mom suggested I go visit Big Lots to see what they offer and I found bamboo shades for 7-dollars each! I love how they let in light and so far they seem to be blocking the heat from the sun; but I'm not positive yet since yesterday was a little cloudy.
Next I grouped all of my plants on a woven table runner that I picked up used last year. Then I trimmed back one of my over sized plants, wrapped another plant around a piece of bamboo that Elizabeth brought into the house and lastly hung the very long vines of two ivy plants along the ceiling.
Now the porch has an "outdoors" feel to it and I am pretty excited about the transformations.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Summer Cooking
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Our Peachy Bounty
My week long peach harvest is coming to an end. Along with many, many jars of peaches, preserves and jelly I also have many, many quart bags of peaches in the freezer.
We have one tree left to be harvested but the peaches are not ready yet and I have several container of peach juice in the freezer to be used for jelly or syrup when I have extra time to work with it.

Friday, July 23, 2010
Peach Jelly
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Peach Progress
This year, along with canning, I have decided to freeze some of the peaches. Freezing is very fast and I am curious which will make a better cobbler; canned or frozen?
Instead of feeding the peach peels right away to the chickens I decided to make juice with them first. Simply place peelings into a large pot, be sure to discard the pits, add water and simmer.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Pumpkin Days
For the past year I have been wanting to organize the photos stored on my computer and get many of them printed and put safely into albums. As I have been working on this mammoth project I came across some pictures of a trip we made to "Pumpkin Days" in Floydada.

Thursday, July 15, 2010
I So Need Patience
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
A Stocked Cupboard
Monday, July 12, 2010
French Toast
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Orchard Update
The orchard is full of fruit and I am so excited. The late freeze and high winds left us with only a few plums and they have begun to ripen; we have been able to eat a few and they are very sweet.

I need to start getting the jars ready for canning, it's so exciting!
Friday, July 9, 2010
Eat Mor Chikin
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Carrot Cake
While talking to my mom this morning about cakes the idea for making a carrot cake popped in my mind. The garden is producing a lot of carrots right now and we have been feasting on them daily.
Monday, July 5, 2010
After The Rain
Our wonderful rain has now let up so Elizabeth and I hopped in the car and took a drive to see how everything looked. We saw large bodies of water everywhere.
We saw a lot of water damage to the ground.
Near our home is a canyon that is now pretty flooded from all the rain.
As we drove down into the canyon we came upon a section of road that was washed out.
The big chunks of road now sit in the ditch.
We turned around and came another directions in order to see just how flooded the canyon was.
The road at the bottom of the canyon is covered in water but it's not too deep, we saw several pick ups drive through without any trouble.
We parked in a safe area and walked through the water just for fun. Elizabeth spotted several crayfish holding on to the edge of the road.

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