Last month Elizabeth and I took a trip which included a full day and
night on an Amtrak train! It was an amazing train ride and one I hope to
repeat in the future.

We originally planned to ride coach but decided at the last minute to get a private room. Goodness, it was the size of a closet but so very, very cute.
We each had our own chair and a double window to look through.
Here is a view of the hallway with rooms on both sides. Just to the left of this photo is a shelf used for extra luggage.
On the other side of our train car were bathrooms and showers.
Each bathroom was very tiny but very functional. It reminded me of an RV.
The shower was small too but there was enough room to wash and move around freely.
Here is Elizabeth in the top bunk; the straps you see are there to keep people from falling off the bunk.
Here is the bottom bunk. The seats pulled together and a mattress was placed on top. All this was done for us by a man who works on the train.
We had a door that closed and locked and then curtains that covered it all. Once the beds were ready we had very little space, only enough to put our legs on the floor; here you can see how my knees almost touched the door. But we were still very comfortable. I was able to stretch out on the bed without feeling cramped.
The train had a dinning car and our meals were included in the price of our room.
We had pancakes for breakfast;
Burgers and chicken strips for lunch;
And a full course meal of herb chicken, potatoes or rice, green beans and bread for supper.
During part of our ride we went to the observation car to watch the scenery go by.
The observation car even had tables on one end for eating or playing cards or games.
I had always wanted to ride a train; and it was everything I ever imagined it to be. We had such a wonderful time; all the Amtrak employees went out of their way to make us comfortable.