Yesterday our local Mr. Gatti's had a free buffet meal and tokens for the first 400 college students with proper I.D. Jonathan took Elizabeth with him; for the price of her meal, just over $6, the two of them spent over 2 hours eating and playing.
When we arrived at the store the line was already wrapped around the building and going down the street.

While the kids played I shopped at Bath and Body Works. My sister sent me a gift card for $15 that was given to her by her job. This was my first time shopping at Bath and Body Works.

I found shampoo marked 75% off and paid $1.87 per bottle; plus I purchased a small lipstick case for $4 (this was the regular price) for Elizabeth to use for her chap stick. I paid $1.46 out of pocket for all the loot.
That was really nice for Jonathan to take his sister with him.. that's one night she'll remember for years.
I'm not surprised you managed to stretch that gift card.. if there's a bargan to be found you're the person to find it. Let me know how you like the shampoo.
Well look at you Patty. You are doing so well. What a good example to the rest of the blogging world.
Let me know if you like the shampoo. I'm still enjoying my Herbal Essence.
Glad that you found those sales! I spent my card on Christmas clearance last year and I STILL have tons of stuff leftover - hand lotions, bubble bath, etc. You'd be surprised how $15 can buy a lot when there's a clearance.
How neat for Jonathan and Elizabeth to enjoy their time together. That was very generous of the pizza place.
Nice to see a big brother take such an interest in his little sister. Especially when there is such an age difference. Nice finds at Bath and Body works, too! I LOVE their hand soaps and luckily, they put them on sale often and I stock up.
It sounds like the kids had a blast and good for you on finding such good bargains, I just love that store, it always smells so nice in there....soothing. I want to go shopping with you...*lol*
Great finds - I love bath and body works. And the pound store sounds like a lot of fun - even with all the digging that could be involved!
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