Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Mommy Come Quick!
While in the garden I heard Elizabeth call me; Mommy Come Quick, Hurry!
She had spotted a very large and very fat worm on one of the tomato plants.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Back To Work As Usual
Last night, around the time I was looking forward to going to bed early, Pat asked me if I wanted to set up a divider in the chicken yard so we could move the baby chickens from the portable pen into the bigger pen.
I wanted to say "NO, I'M TIRED"! But I didn't, instead I helped until after dark setting up a divider and then clipping wings on 100 baby chickens.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Good Bye Austin, Hello Home
Our trip was fun but oh am I tired! While in Austin we visited The Natural Gardener again;
This place has the best ideas for a home garden.
I saw several plants protected from the sun with a thin net;

Friday, August 21, 2009
A Quick Sewing Project
Thursday, August 20, 2009
On The Road Again
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Fall Garden Progess
Monday, August 17, 2009
A True Country Meal
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Roaring Spring
Saturday, August 15, 2009
A Walk Through My Garden
As we enter the garden you will see one of my green bean plants; it seems when I planted my green beans I ended up with not only bush beans but pole beans too. So, with the left over small pieces of fence from the orchard project I have been making trellises.
Here is one of my many new cucumber plants; after my first plants almost died I planted more since we love eating cucumbers.
This is one of the pole beans attaching itself to one of the tomato stakes.
Our shade cover looks like a success; today I found newly emerging lettuce and radishes.
And I recently discovered a potato coming up in the garden; apparently I overlooked a potato when I was harvesting my corp.
This is popcorn I decided to plant at the last minute; I am hoping some ears will make before we get our first freeze.
And here is the largest ear of corn I have seen so far in my corn patch.
We have lots and lots of watermelon growing in the garden.
And lots and lots of pumpkins;
Many of the pumpkins are already orange.
Here you can see how the pumpkin and watermelon are taking over the garden.
I am hoping to make pickles with fresh dill before the garden season is over.
I am hoping to make pickles with fresh dill before the garden season is over.
Friday, August 14, 2009
The Orchard Fence pt. 4
Thursday, August 13, 2009
What's for Lunch?
Back to school for college is quickly approaching. Jonathan usually brings a lunch each day so coming up with creative and different ideas, that are cheap, can be a challenge. However, thanks to my mom, Jonathan will now be eating homemade fried rice instead of the high priced rice we had been buying from our local Sam's Club.
This rice was so good that I even liked it! We made it using left over rotisserie chicken and frozen veggies; it was so easy and very cheap to make!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Fall Garden Prep pt. 2
Today I planted the seed for my fall garden. The shade covering is 15-feet long and wide enough for 3 rows of carrots, 1 row of spinach, 1 row of lettuce, 1 row of radishes and broccoli on the ends.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
First Tomato
Monday, August 10, 2009
Typical Monday....NOT
This morning, bright and early, I picked green beans from the garden, did a little hoeing, set up a make shift trellis and re-staked tomato plants that were getting so big the old stakes were bending over. During one of my many trips out to the garden I almost stepped on this.
He was resting under a young pine tree and I didn't notice him there until I was right on top of him. While Elizabeth ran to get the camera for me the snake decided to hide under some black fabric. Thankfully he was only a Bull Snake and not a rattle snake.
Next, as I was in the middle of canning......
Next, as I was in the middle of canning......
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