More than 8-years ago, while traveling through New Mexico, we stopped by a junk store and found the most amazing stove ever. I just had to have it and we promptly put it on lay-a-way. Sadly this stove had to be crated and stored because our kitchen was too small for the stove to fit. However, my new temporary kitchen is just the right size and now after all this time I get to use my new stove.

Let me just say I love it! The top has 3 burners, a thermo well and a griddle.

The thermo well is deep and works similar to a crock pot. I have pans that fit into the well for soup or for three different foods to cook all at once.

The griddle is big and will work well for pancakes or grilled cheese.

Under the griddle is the broiler.

On one side of the stove is a "pantry" which is used for storing pots and pans. I plan to use this for my cast iron skillets.

Next to the pantry is the oven. I have already baked some bread in the oven and although it's small I was able to bake two loaves at one time.

I have a lot to learn about my new stove but so far I am really loving it.