We love fried pies and today, while searching online, I found the best fried pie crust recipe ever.
It can be found here.
While my dough was chilling in the fridge I opened a jar of fresh canned peaches, from last years crop, and proceeded to thicken it.

When my dough was chilled enough I took a small amount and rolled it thin; I like to roll out more dough than needed.

Next I added my filling;

And covered the filling with half of the rolled dough.

Taking a fork I crimped the edges;

And trimmed the edge with a pizza cutter.

The pizza cutter works well for shaping the pie.

Once the pie has been shaped take your fork and crimp a second time.

If you forget to do the second crimp your fruit will spill out like this.

Gently place your pie into hot oil.

Flipping when golden brown.

Drain on paper towel.
Oh YUM Patty!!! I have a pretty good recipe I have had for a hundred years! I forget to make them though!
Yours look just soooo scrumptious!!!
I love your blog header too!!!
oh, oh, oh. Peach filling, no less. :)
Look delicious.. btw don't know how I misplaced it but yesterday I came across another jar of peach jam you'd sent me.. yum going to be tasty on fried biscuits.
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