Thursday, March 4, 2010

Making Butter

Many years ago while browsing through the pages of this book;I discovered how to make butter. It's so easy and very fun, especially for kids.
You first begin with some heavy whipping cream that has been left out on the counter overnight; leaving it out overnight helps to speed up the process but if you forget to leave it out do not worry, cream straight from the fridge still works.
When the cream is ready pour it into a churn. If you do not have a churn a blender or mixer will work.
Next you need some energy, lots and lots of energy.
Turning the handle on a butter churn is very exciting to kids.
As the paddles spin and swirl the cream it will begin to thicken like a milkshake.
Soon after the cream becomes thick it will turn into butter.
Now place a colander over a large bowl.
And pour all the liquid and butter into the colander to drain.
Be sure to keep the liquid; it is buttermilk and works nicely when making biscuits or pancakes.
The butter now needs to be rinsed. I like to place a cloth napkin in my colander before rinsing the butter so I can squeeze and work the butter without getting it all over my hands.
Once you have finished rinsing the butter place it in a dish and store in the fridge.
A 16 ounce carton of heavy cream makes about 5 ounces of wonderful butter. Cost wise it is cheaper to buy butter ready made....but the enjoyment it brings to everyone who helps with making the butter is priceless!


Anonymous said...

Its been years since I've made butter.. did you know you can put the cream in a fruit jar and shake it back and forth? When I was a kid we had a neighbor that made her butter that way.

Helen Ruth said...

This is one of the things that our guests at the farm enjoy doing the most! Butter! The kids always want their turn. Of course, we have a ceramic and wood churner that's HUGE. We fill it up and always have willing hands to take their turn!

I buy that heavy whipping cream and drink it in my coffee =)

Packrat said...

When my son was about Elizabeth's age (can that have been about 25 years ago?!?!), we got milk from a friend. Another friend loaned us her butter churn. My son and the little neighbor girl had the best time turning the crank and watching the butter form. (Unfortunately, the milk supply ran out and the butter churn had to be returned.) These kind of lessons are never forgotten. :)

Ann said...

We used to buy fresh milk from a local lady and I liked to seperate the cream and make butter. I think we just put it in a jar and shook it. So much fun to eat something you've made yourself that most people only know as store bought!

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